Searching ***spoilers***movie review:

Searching is one of the best movies of the year and one of the most original movies i have seen in a long time. If you told me that a film that uses only a screen to tell a story would be this good i would not have believed it was possible. The reveals are equally as good in this movie.I love a good thriller, which is why i like films like Zodiac(2007)and Enemy(2013) so i was loving the slow reveal of the truth, and i was equally happy when there was a plot twist that was very well engineered. I thought the performances in this film were very good although the director was the real star of the movie. John Cho plays the father who is constantly in shock and punishes himself for not knowing his daughter, as it is slowly revealed that he had a strained relationship with his daughter since his wife passed away. This grief is portrayed very well. Detective chief Vickery also gives a good supporting performance although you empathise with John Cho’s character far more. If i was to give a criticism of this movie, you only really get the fathers perspective of the situation as it is revealed that Kim did not have many friends, and he has by far the most screen time in the movie. However overall i would highly recommend seeing this fantastic film.

rating 45/50

The Journey Begins

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Foxcatcher (2014) movie review:


I thought this was a good movie mainly because of the performances of the lead actors in this biopic. Channing Tatum commits well to the role, as do Mark Ruffalo and Steve Carell, as underprivileged Olympic wrestling champions and ambitious rich guy respectively. You really believe that Mark Schultz (played by Channing Tatum) wants to win (the Olympics, World championships), at any costs, and that he is a troubled individual, possibly because of the brothers (Ruffalo and Tatum, playing David and Mark Schultz) tough upbringing that is eluded to in the film. In fact Steve Carell’s character John du Pont has his own family issues with his mother, so they are all struggling behind the scenes. I think this is possibly focused on too much in a 2 hours and 13 minute long movie. The actual wrestling matches lose their importance. Compare it to Warrior (2011) which increases interest  and intensity throughout the film it comes up short in all departments. In Foxcatcher, you actually stop caring about the wrestling aspect of the film and whether or not Mark Schultz manages to retain his Olympic title. This takes away from the overall experience of the film which drags at times, and although Warrior is longer (2 hours 20 minutes) you are constantly engaged.

rating 30/50 points


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
